b'ITS NEVER TOO LATE TOREDUCE YOUR PART COSTS!Get started!C. Tate - 38%Casings for gas turbines are enormous. The overhead cranes are rated at 226,796 kg (500,000 lbs.) each.calculate cutting times, we use our CAM software the same way that vma-werbeagentur.dea user would for small parts, but that is where similarities end. Small parts are loaded by hand, and han-dling times are only a few seconds. Our handling times for big parts arePRODUCTIVITY THREAD WHIRLINGmeasured in hours. It can take two hours to flip a large cylinder andSTART WITH SCHWANOGthree to four hours to move a gas turbine rotor from one end of the shop to the other. It is necessary to account for all material handling orDOWNLOAD APP NOW:SCHWANOG PRODUCTIVITYelse cycle time and lead time es- Now on Available on the timates can be wrong by multiple shifts.All in all, machining large parts onPRECISE, QUICK = EFFICIENT!large machines is not very different from machining small parts as long as the few distinct differences areSchwanog LLC Elgin | Illinois recognized. The primary differenceinfo.usa@schwanog.com www.schwanog.comis simply size.CTEctemag.com/cteguide.com73MachiningLargeParts.indd 73 7/17/20 4:00 PM'