b'Juggling ActMaterial development also sparks cutting tool innovation. Workpieces can have powder metals, carbon-fi-ber-reinforced plastics and stacked and layered materials with fiber di-rectionality that varies from batch to batch. When industries create materials to reduce surface-against-surface wear in medical implants or produce lightweight options for aerospace manufacturing, for in- Seco Toolsstance, cutting tool manufacturersSeco Tools has increased the application range of wear-resistant TH1000 and TH1500 turning must respond with products thatinsert grades with additional positive and negative geometries, chipbreakers and nose radius optimize the machining of thesesizes.new materials. In some cases, exist- examine tool behavior to help findConversely, if a hard grade frac-ing tools effectively cut these ma- and correct the causes of failure.tures in a continuous cut, wear anal-terials. In other cases, the develop- For example, inserts that developysis should show the need for a ment of new tool technology is re- large craters in continuous cuttingtougher tool instead. In these in-quired. applications show a lack of wear re- stances of tool fracture or breakage, Shopsthatexperimentwithsistance and indicate the need for ashops also should evaluate tool-cutting tools only to experienceharder substrate or a wear-resistantholder condition, along with ma-shorter-than-expected tool life cancoating. chine tool stability and part setup.40MAY 2020CuttingMaterial.indd 40 4/16/20 5:49 PM'