b'In most machine tool spindles, there are 250 to 300 individual componentand assembly characteristics that impact performance and longevity.Heart and Soul Repair mented, and any sensors or encod- umented during a complete run-ers used should be tested. off. Documentation should include The final assembly performancethe spindles steady-state oper-them. To accomplish this, a 24-hourcharacteristicsshouldbedoc- ating temperatures, details of the turnaround for a proper spindle re-build is hardly sufficient. It can take that long for individual components to reach the proper temperature forPionexinspection. A basic expedited repair should take three days from receipt of a spindle to shipping it back to a customer.All these significant characteris- NEW GENERATION THREADING TOOLS FROM tics should be documented clearly by a spindle repair company for a customer to see. Photos of spindle High-performance machiningcomponents that show conditions and damaged areas are important higher cutting speedsfor the knowledge and understand-outstanding tool lifeing of a customer. The cause of spindle failure, including analysis, universal application in a wide should be noted so spindle per- variety of materialsformance or longevity can be as-sessed for potential improvement. It is often possible to make changes to bearings or sealing systems to enhance spindle performance or durability.Test and MeasurementAfter a spindle is reassembled, test bar runouts should be mea-sured and documented. Drawbar pull forces should be set and docu-about the author Bob Hodge is president of Ad-vanced Spindle Technology LLC, a spindle service company with fa-cilities in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. For morewww.guhring.com(800) 776-6170information, call 833-854-2579 or visit www.astspindles.com.ctemag.com/cteguide.com37SpindleRepair.indd 37 3/16/20 12:29 PM'